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MAWWG-NEBAWWGThis page provides information on the Mid-Atlantic Wetlands Workgroup (MAWWG) and the New England Biological Assessment of Wetlands Workgroup (NEBAWWG).

MAWWG consists of participants representing federal and state regulatory personnel and scientists from the Mid-Atlantic and aims to develop and implement wetland monitoring strategies for the region. See the MAWWG Overview page for information on MAWWG. 

NEBAWWG comprises wetland managers and scientists from state, federal, tribal, non-profit, and conservation organizations that use and develop monitoring and assessment tools in New England. NEBAWWG is managed by NEIWPCC and more information is available here.

The Meeting Materials page provides information on past and upcoming MAWWG meetings/workshops and biannual joint meetings of MAWWG and NEBAWWG.

More information coming soon.