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Pacific Northwest Training

Tribal water quality and water resource staff are invited to join us and learn how to enhance your program’s capability to implement Clean Water Act (CWA) programs. The training will address CWA programs including Section 106, Section 319, Section 303(d), water quality standards, and wetlands and will be useful to Tribes who work on these programs or are interested in pursuing Treatment in a similar manner as a State (TAS) status for one or more programs. The training workshop will be targeted to Tribes who conduct water quality monitoring, issue water quality certifications, and address water quality issues, nonpoint source pollution, and impaired waters/TMDLs. Tribal staff from across the country are invited, although there will be a focus on examples and applications for Tribes in the Pacific Northwest.

The Pacific Northwest Tribal Clean Water Act Training is being organized by the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota GeoSpatial Services (SMUMN GSS), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  

Training Workshop Dates and Location
When: November 17-20, 2025
Where: Tulalip, WA
Venue: Tulalip Resort Casino
       10200 Quil Ceda Blvd.
       Tulalip, WA 98271 

This training is for tribal water quality and water resource staff, with a particular focus on examples and applications for Tribes in the Pacific Northwest. We want to develop a training that best meets your needs and priorities. In addition, we will be looking for tribal presenters to share their experiences and perspectives. If you are interested in presenting at the training workshop or providing input on training priorities and focus areas, please contact Portia Osborne, NAWM Assistant Director, at or (207) 892-3399.

Draft agenda outline is provided below. The full agenda will be posted when available.

Pacific Northwest Training

The training workshop is open to Tribal water quality and water resource staff. There is no cost to attend the training. Registration is expected to open in March 2025. 

Important Notice: Please note that due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding federal funding, the training could be canceled at any time. NAWM will notify registrants and update this page as soon as possible should any changes to the training plans be necessary due to a lack of funding.

A block of hotel rooms is available at the Tulalip Resort at a rate of $149/night for training workshop attendees for the nights of Sunday (11/16/25) through Wednesday (11/19/25). Hotel room reservations may be made by calling 866-716-7162 and providing the group name "NAWM CWA Training." Reservations must be made by October 16, 2025.

For More Information
If you have questions or would like to be included on the mailing list for the training, please reach out to Portia Osborne, NAWM Assistant Director, at or (207) 892-3399