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Goal F: To be a fiscally competent and administratively responsible organization and have the financial resources to assure NAWM’s ongoing and future operations.

Activities for achieving Goal F:

  • There is a written fiscal policy and financial guidelines and procedures for staff and officers. Income and expenses are tracked accurately.
  • There is an active fundraising program. We have written and implemented a fundraising plan. The plan seeks to draw income from diversified sources - foundations, government, individual contributions, memberships, businesses, workshops and other earned income.
  • The current annual work plan is reviewed and the upcoming plan approved at each March Board meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer is actively involved in oversight of finances and provides the Board with quarterly reports on aggregated income and expenses. The Board approves the annual budget.
  • Develop an attractive, professional funding request package to be used in soliciting support for the association.
  • Actively utilize our website to request support for Association activities. (Note: For example this could include securing corporate sponsors for “Wetland Breaking News.”)


Approved by NAWM Board:  April 18, 2013