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The NAWM mission is to promote the protection and restoration of wetlands and related aquatic resources, to apply sound science to wetland management and policy, and to provide training, education and capacity building for our members and the public.

2022 Vision

While NAWM does not propose specific actions beyond the 2017 horizon, near-term actions will be undertaken with awareness of long-term visions for wetland protection and management. A decade from now, in 2022, the nation will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the federal Clean Water Act.   Given continued advancement of wetland science, improvement of wetland tools and techniques, increased cooperation among water agencies, organizations and disciplines, and ongoing education of the public regarding the economic and ecological values of wetlands, we foresee:

  • A net increase in the quantity and quality of the nation’s wetlands, reversing over 100 years of wetland loss
  • Increased ability to evaluate and protect the ecological services provided by wetlands
  • Regulatory programs that offers great clarity, consistency, and interagency coordination
  • Concrete progress in adapting the management of wetlands to climate change including increased temperature, changing hydrology and sea level rise.

Goals: The strategic plan includes these goals:

A. To be a recognized leader in advocating for science-based wetlands conservation, protection and management, and to ensure that state and tribal programs are fully integrated into national wetland policy.

B. To build the capacity of wetland managers and public officials at all levels of government to participate in wetland policy development and to build strong, science-based wetland programs.

C. To educate wetland managers, public officials, and others with regard to current wetland science, policy, comprehensive management, and the use of new technologies and techniques for wetland planning, assessment, restoration, mitigation and program implementation.

D. To integrate wetlands into broader water programs including water quality protection, flood protection, wildlife management, watershed management, climate change adaptation, and ecosystem-based planning.

E. To sustain an active and growing membership.

F. To be fiscally competent and administratively responsible.