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Call for Mentee Application 2025


Thank you for your interest in applying to the Mentorship Assistance Resource Support Hub program! We will accept applications from prospective mentees through Friday, October 18, 2024. Questions with an asterisk (*) appearing beside them are required; if there is no asterisk, no response is needed for submission, though we appreciate your responses to as many questions as possible to build a more robust mentor pool and program.

Please let us know your name.

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Please let us know your email address.

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3. Please select your area(s) of interest from the list below. 

If you feel that your area(s) of interest are not represented in the list below, please select "other" and you'll be able to provide a free response.(*)

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4. Mentorship success can be cultivated through skill building.

List three to five skills you would like to develop or learn about. Some examples of skills may include: process of getting a professional certification, wetland delineation training opportunities, getting into graduate school, interpreting wetland regulation, effective writing, etc.(*)

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5. Using the grid below, rank each of the following in terms of level of importance to you when identifying a mentor.

Please choose only one for each column. This information may be used for matching in the event that additional information is needed.

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6. Please rate your meetings frequency preference. Please choose only one for each column.

This is just to get an initial feeling of meeting preferences, but final arrangements will be made by mentor/mentee pairs once they're matched.

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7. Please select your preferred meeting type.

This is just to get an initial feeling of meeting preferences, but final arrangements will be made by mentor/mentee pairs once they're matched.

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8. Please list your current affiliation, educational level, years of relevant experience, including types of positons held, and location.(*)

For example, "Wetland Scientist, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL." PLEASE NOTE: If you indicated above that your preferred meeting type was in-person, and your current location does not reflect where you would be available to meet in-person, please provide a location suitable for in-person meetings.

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9. Please add a biography [250 word/1500-character limit]. "We know greatness cannot be contained":) (*)


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10. Please Provide a Current Resume or CV [NOTE: First 3 - 4 pages].(*)

This effort will support (with permission) an online repository of Resumes/CVs as potential templates & exemplars will help during one of the professional development workshops on resume/cv development.

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Do you consent to sharing your resume/CV with the program as an exemplar during MARSH program-wide workshops?(*) 

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11. Please indicate/list which types of professional certifications you currently hold or are working towards completing. (ex. Professional Wetland Scientist, Forester/Arborist, Wildlife Biologist, Scientific Diver, attorney bar admission, etc.).(*)

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12. Indicate all social media platforms you currently use.

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13. Please share a link-url to your webpage or public-facing social media platform page.

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14. Please provide a current e-mail for receiving MARSH information and updates.(*)

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15. Currently MARSH is a co-sponsored effort between the National Association of Wetland Managers [NAWM], the Society of Wetlands Scientists [SWS], and the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program [SWSPCP].

Please select all partner organizations you are currently a member of or select "Where do I sign up" for more information.

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Accessibility Questions

As with all programs and their continued success and sustainability, we always have to consider the end-users first and foremost, which is why we are collecting this data. [NOTE]: This data is for internal use and will not be shared with any external entities.

16. Language Preferences [Please list below your language or languages proficiency](*)

[Note: MARSH hosted/sponsored webinar sessions will be held/conducted in English due to budgetary constraints]

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17. Please list any special access accommodations that you may require in order to attend webinars and mentor meetings on virtual platforms.(*)

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Demographic Questions

Your responses to the questions below are voluntary and are only for internal use to evaluate the accessibility and equity of our programs.

18. Please indicate your gender below:(*)

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19. Please indicate your race and/or ethnicity below:(*)

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