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MitigationTypes of Permits that May Require Compensatory Mitigation
There are different types of permits that may require compensatory mitigation.  This page provides some information about these permit types.

  • Individual Permits: Individual permits are typically required where the level of project activities exceeds work thresholds authorized by General Permits. Individual permits require the submission of a permit application by the applicant followed by the Corps placement of the project on public notice for agency and public review.
  • Nationwide Permits: Nationwide Permits (NWPs) are re-issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers through publication in the Federal Register every five years and are applicable throughout the nation. NWPs authorize a number of commonly occurring nationwide activities that typically have minimal impact on the aquatic environment. Where a proposed activity is expected to exceed minimal impact on the aquatic environment, mitigation may be required to reduce aquatic resource impacts to an acceptable, minimal level. Certain conditions attached to specific NWPs require pre-construction notification prior to starting work. The Corps generally responds to such notices within 45 days. Individual Corps Districts of Divisions may choose to add additional mitigation requirements to nationwide permits.
  • Regional General Permits: Regional General Permits (GPs) are developed and issued by A Corps District or Division on a regional basis. GPs typically authorize commonly occurring activities that are specific to the District/Region and that do not have NWP coverage. Certain GPs require notification prior to starting work. As with NWPs, GP activities typically cause minimal impact on the aquatic environment. Where authorized work exceeds the minimal impact threshold, mitigation may be necessary to lessen effects on aquatic resources.

NAWM’s Advanced Topics in Compensatory Mitigation Project, Webinars and Training Resources

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