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Region 5 Tribal Wetland Working Group: 2024 Wetland Vegetation Identification Training Registration


The 2024 Wetland Vegetation Identification Training is open to Tribal staff and interested Tribal members in EPA Region 5. Please register as soon as possible to assist in planning efforts.

Registration Deadlines:

  • Minnesota Trainings: Friday, June 14
  • Michigan Training and Wisconsin Training: Friday, June 28 

There is no cost to attend the training. Limited funding is available to offset travel costs for attendees. To apply for travel assistance, please fill out the application form here.

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Please let us know your name.

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Please let us know your name.

First priority to register for the training is provided for two attendees per Tribe. If you are interested in sending more than two attendees, please provide their names and email addresses here. Attendees will be notified of their registration following the registration deadlines above.

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Lunch will be provided during the field training session. Please list any allergies or dietary restrictions below.

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The wetland vegetation identification training will include both online and field training sessions. Which field training do you plan to attend? (pick one)

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If you have a second choice of field training session, or are interested in attending multiple sessions, please describe below. Note that the ability to attend multiple field sessions will be subject to availability of extra spots following the registration deadlines above.

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How would you describe your knowledge of wetland plant identification? (pick one)

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If you have any questions, please contact: 
Laura Burchill, Office Manager, NAWM,; Phone: (207) 892-3399