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Registration deadline has been extended to Friday, October 18, 2024

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Do you plan to attend the field trip on Tuesday, November 12th?

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Do you plan to attend the meeting in-person or online? Note that we cannot guarantee the quality of audio and video that will be available for online attendees.

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We have a room block at the Hotel Northampton located at 36 King Street Northampton, MA. The hotel will honor the prevailing government lodging rate at the time of the meeting; the current rate is $146/night but is subject to change after the start of the fiscal year on October 1, 2024. Rooms are available in the block for Monday night 11/11/24 through Thursday night 11/14/24.

Please make your own room reservations directly by calling (413) 584-3100 and mention that you are part of the "MAWWG-NEBAWWG Joint Meeting" room block. The deadline for room reservations is Friday, October 18, 2024.

Please indicate below the nights you will be staying at the hotel so that NAWM can manage the room block numbers.

I will be staying at the hotel on the following night(s):

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Cancellation notice: If you need to cancel your registration, please notify Portia Osborne at NAWM ( as soon as possible. We appreciate your help in ensuring we have an accurate registration list for planning and logistics purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact: 
Laura Burchill, Office Manager, NAWM,; Phone: (207) 892-3399


Free Space